Sunday, February 26, 2012
And the award goes to....
In honor of the Academy Awards tonight I thought I would share with you an award I just recently received.....
I received this award from Heather at The Hunny Pot. Heather is an AWE-INSPIRING designer, so to get an award from her is like winning an Oscar! (Are you guys watching the Academy Awards, btw's?) The origins of the Liebster Blog Award are unclear but as Heather shared "the word translates from German as "darling" or "beloved". It's given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers in order to generate some traffic for them. Pretty Cool, hugh?!
Here are the guidelines for the Liebster Blog Award
1. Acknowledge the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2.Give this award to 5 other bloggers, who must have less than 200 followers, and let them know through a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog
4. Best of all- bask in the glory, have fun, and share the love!
Here are the 5 blogs I'm giving this award to:
1.Awesomeness of Crafting- I just found this blog and I'm in love with it! Natt is an AMAZING designer! I love her super fun style!
2. Michelle's Crafty Creations- Michelle inspires me because she is the nicest blogger I've ever met! She leaves the best comments on your blog and she is the type of blogger I want to be. Just a down right sweetheart who is ALWAYS thinking of others! Love her!
3. Court's Craft Corner- Court inspires me because she is a young crafter and just goes for it! I loved crafting at a very young age, but didn't have her confidence! She is an inspiration to all of us to remember not to hold back! She comes up with great of my favorite projects of hers was her dog card where she gave a video tutorial! Way to go!
4.Glitter Panda- I just found her website and I love her cards! She has cards even for President's Day! I love the extras she always adds into her projects..glitter, brads, etc...her cards always make a statement! Cute Cute!
5. Scrap Circus- Another website I just recently found....Becky has got it going on! Great style (you'll have to check out her template on her it! Can't imagine why?'s the same as mine..ha!) No but seriously, her projects are simply fabulous! Go visit her and tell her I said, "HI"!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Rumor has it.....
I just wanted to share some "Blogland" info that I've acquired over the past little while.
1. Google Friend Connect will no longer be available to dot coms and will be phased out pretty soon for blogger as well. What? I know, right?! So, I joined Linky Followers, which is on my sidebar. If you would like to add it to your blog as well, go here.
2. Picnik is Adios, so where to now? I used Fotoflexer here and there while using Picnik (before their resignation), but Fotoflexer has stepped it up recently! I think they are taking advantage of this new Picnik change! Good for them, which also means GOOD FOR US! They now have like a bazillion fonts! SUPER EXCITED!
3. You may have noticed my tab "Community". Click on it check it's powered by Blog Frog! The idea is to help turn your blog into a Community (by the way, anyone watch the show "Community"? I love it) so you can ask me questions or we can talk about a certain go check it out. You can become a member of my community too if you want to...Ooooh I know ....I exciting! ha! No but really, you should check it out and see what you think!
Ok, Phew! I just had to get all of that "techy" stuff out of my system! Hope everyone is having a great day! Here's a little Photo Fun for you....I can't have a blog post without a picture! It just wouldn't be right!
No, I'm not on the Bachelor! ha!
This is a picture taken in a helicopter.
I was with my husband on our honeymoon!
I was just feeling nostalgic today and let's be honest I just want to go on vacation! ha!
So I pulled out some vacation photos!
Have a great day!
Hope you have a "vacation-y" day!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Cute little Gift
And.........I'm back! My little sweetheart had surgery today, so all I could think about the past couple of days was that. It was like my brain was mush. He's fine, he had a congenital chlosteatoma. A "Chlostea-what?" I know that is what I said. Basically, a cyst on his ear drum that he was born with.
Anywhooo....let's get our CRAFT ON! I wanted to share this little ruffled towel I made for my great aunt in- law. She's always making us goodies in the kitchen, so I thought she might like this little ruffled towel for her birthday.
Anywhooo....let's get our CRAFT ON! I wanted to share this little ruffled towel I made for my great aunt in- law. She's always making us goodies in the kitchen, so I thought she might like this little ruffled towel for her birthday.
The fun part about this towel I think is the container I made for it. Can you guess what it is? It's a Pringles container! I just wrapped patterned paper around it and then added a bow. So simple but it made quite an impact, I think. I didn't get a picture of the lid, but it was super fun! Since the lids are see through I made a cute little "Happy Birthday" sign. I'll make another can for you guys and then you can see the lid. How about that?! the ruffled towel I just sewed straight down the middle with the straight stitch. I made it a long stitch. Then I pulled it at an end. After I "ruffled" it, I just sewed it on the towel. I know there is probably a more technical way of doing this type of thing...which if you know how let me know.....but this is how I did it. I'm not a really great sewer, but people will always ask me how I can sew and my best piece of advice is....Don't be afraid of your sewing machine...just go for it. Remember it doesn't have to be perfect! I think that was the hardest lesson for me to learn. I wanted to worry about every stitch! Don't Nike says, "Just Do It"...I guess in this instance it's "Just Sew It"! ha!
This project was featured on:
I hope you learned something today!
Happy Crafting!
Linking up to
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The Baby Shower wreath that really isn't a wreath
Happy Crafting!
Linking up to
Friday, February 17, 2012
Happy Friday...and BABY SHOWER preview
Yay! It's Friday! What is everyone doing this weekend? I think Friday is my favorite day of the week because when it's Friday, everyone seems to be happy! What is your favorite day? Plus, you have Saturday and Sunday to look forward to! Anyways, enough of that....
I just wanted to share a little piece of info with you......we're having a baby shower! No, not for ourselves, but for some wonderful friends! So here are the invitations that went out today...
Our friends are obviously having a girl. They don't have a theme but more or less are sticking with the colors, pink and gray. They are doing a modern themed nursey, too. Our friend is an awesome decorator, so I'm super excited to see it when it's done. Our friend loves polka dots, so when I found these invitations I knew these were it! These invitations are from Tiny Prints you can find them here.
I will be posting more decorations later...... my mom made the door decoration already and it is too cute for words! Get excited! You can view more decorations my mom has done in the past here.
Have a spectacular day!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Crafty Sale
Hello, everyone! Just wanted to let you know that a fellow design team member, Jen, at CWC is selling some of her crafty items. Yay! Who doesn't love a "crafty garage sale"? I know her items are going quick! So head on over and check it out! You can find it here.
One more exciting bit of info. Melin, our amazing leader, is having a "Happy Birthday to my brother sale". How nice is that? Spend $16 and get 50% off of your order. You can check out her items here.
Hope you are all having a Super day!
Patches of Pink here I come
Well, how is everyone today? I'm doing excellent, thanks! Just thought I'd let you know that I am now a member of the Patches of Pink Design Team! Yay! I wanted to invite you to join us at the Thursday Link up Party. The theme is Valentine's Day. You can link up a papercraft or a home decor item! I can't wait to see what you link up! Here's my project:
I love these jars! I put all kinds of things in them, depending upon the holiday.
Interested in making some?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Bananas for you and heart toast
I hope everyone had a 'Love'ly Valentine's Day yesterday! What did you do? We had a party at my parents and my husband was so cute! He gave me Dove Dark chocolates (my fav), gorgeous bouquet of flowers, and a beautiful card! It made me cry (awh)! So fun! Anyways, I just wanted to share a little treat my kids and I passed out yesterday to friends at my husband's office, teachers, and some of our other friends around town.
We're 'Banana's for you!
I saw this idea in a magazine (Better Homes and Gardens or Family Circle, can't remember) and just had to do it for Valentine's Day! Everyone always gets so much candy on Vday that I felt like it would be refreshing to get a banana or maybe it is really lame, I don't know, but I thought it was fun!
All I did was make labels on my computer that said "We're 'Banana's for you!"
Then I just stuck them on the bananas.
Simple as that!
Another thing I wanted to share was my son's Valentine's Day Toast.
I just love this little toast! I think it is so fun! I was thinking that I could make ducks for Easter, balloons or other shapes for birthdays. I'm so excited about this new idea!
Anyways, all I did was make a piece of toast and cut it out with a cookie cutter!
Simple as that!
Hope everyone has a great day today!
Linking up to
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
In honor of Valentine's Day, I wanted to pick a winner for my giveaway from Sunday.
Court, you are the winner of my blog candy! Congrats! I will be emailing you!
If you want a decoration, food, or project idea for today
make sure to check out my Valentine Review
for all of my projects etc.. I made for 2012
I hope everyone is having a very special Valentine's Day full of love!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine Review
I never thought I enjoyed decorating and making crafts for Valentine's Day until now......
Here's a peek at all the Valentine Crafts I made this year....
Linking this up to
I heart naptime
Skip to my Lou
Sisterhood of Crafters
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Life with you makes perfect sense....

Hello and welcome to Jaihart!
If you're following along with the Cooking with Cricut Love Song Blog Hop and you've just left the very talented Jenny R you're in the right place! If you've just come across my blog and would like to follow along you can start here.It's all about Love Songs....
When I think about my favorite love song, immediately Tim McGraw's "Best Friend" song pops into my head! That song depicts my husband perfectly. The first time I heard that song I was on a plane to Miami, FL. I had just put random new songs I had never heard on my IPOD...the original IPOD...still black and white..old school...gotta love it....anyways, the moment I heard this song I started to cry because every word he was singing was how I felt about my husband! It's a wonderful song and I still cry every time I hear it! It's just the best song! Sorry to get sappy with you there for second...ha!
Here's my project
"Life with you makes perfect sense...."
the inside says...
I used Imagine more cards for the heart cut at 1.0
The children are from Nursery Rhymes (pat-a-cake) cut at 2.5
I actually used a sewing machine for the edges
The ribbon is from Hobby Lobby
I just typed out "Life with you makes perfect sense..... you're my best friend" on the computer
Thanks for visiting my blog today!
We hope you’ll join us and link up your favorite love song inspired project at
One lucky entry will be chosen by to win a $10.00 gift certificate provided by! And make sure you leave a comment, too! One lucky commenter will also
receive a $10.00 gift certificate!
*****************BLOG CANDY ALERT**************
For a chance to win the blog candy, tell me your favorite love song!
Thanks for joining us today on our hop! Now head on over to the talented Bonnie at Scrapper's Ranch!
Happy Crafting!
Linking up to
Friday, February 10, 2012
Valentine Popcorn
Okay so I feel like Kristyn over at Lil Luna has been reading my mind! I was going to make Valentine Popcorn and she did too! The popcorn she made looks super yummy, but it is different than mine. The popcorn I made is a chocolate covered popcorn with heart sprinkles! I made this popcorn at Halloween and everyone loved it, so I decided to make it again except this time add a little Valentine fun in, using heart shaped sprinkles! Here it is:
I "Mustache" You a question....
I got my inspiration for this valentine from Lil Luna. She used wax mustaches, I couldn't find wax mustaches anywhere, and then I remembered I got a new cricut cartridge called Billionaire and it had mustaches on it. I cut the mustaches at 1.5. If you don't have a cricut, you could find a pattern online and trace them and cut them out. Here they are
Aren't these hysterical?! My son LOVES them!
Here's the topper I made to go over the sandwich baggies I used to place the sucker mustaches in.
I used to place the mustache on my son in the funny! I couldn't resist! I figured I might as well get good use out of before they're gone.....sad face....crying sad face! What am I going to do without! Anyways, I hope you got a laugh from these silly valentines! I had a blast making them!
Happy Crafting!
Like me here | Party with me here | Follow me here
Linking this up with
The Grant Life
30 Handmade Days
Paper Issues
Itsy Bitsy Paper Blog
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Vintage Valentines
I just wanted to share some cute vintage valentines that I found on The Splendidly Imperfect Miss M
They are so super cute that I decided to make a garland or banner as they say now-a-days:) ha!
All I did was print the valentines, laminate them, put eyelets on the side of each valentine, and run a ribbon through them. I can't get enough of these cute little sayings! "Tell me 'weather I still rain' in your heart my vanlentine" So funny! Anyways, I hope you're having a wonderful day!
Happy Crafting!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
You are Sweet Treats
Since my Mops girls (a mom's group I'm in) are so sweet, I decided to make them a treat and I gave it to them at our meeting last week. Here they are
I put them in little bags with a treat topper from Love from the Oven
I didn't get a good photo of the bags put together, but if you go to Love from the Oven she has some awesome ideas and photos of bags put together! So go to her sight and in-vision what my treats would look like in the bags. I used the bags "A Valentine Treat For Someone Sweet"! Then tell me what you think...ha!
Anyways, if you want to make some...........
Monday, February 6, 2012
Birthday Cake Topper and Cake plate
My husband's birthday was last Friday (you can see a fun little treat I made for him here) and I made a cake for him. Not just any old cake, a specific cake. I wanted to make a fancy cake using my cricut cake machine (you can see a fancy cake I made here), but NOOOO he wanted a yellow cake with rainbow chip frosting. I guess he kept seeing the box in our pantry and on the side panel there was a cake with rainbow chip frosting and he just really wanted one. ha! Anyways, so I made him one. I really wanted to make a banner across the top of the cake. It wasn't working the way I wanted, so I scrapped that idea and made this cake topper:
It's very silly, but I thought it was fun!
I wish I was able to show you a picture with the candles in the cake.
They really finished the look off, but unfortunately I didn't get one.
Oh well, you can in-vision it, right?
I wish I was able to show you a picture with the candles in the cake.
They really finished the look off, but unfortunately I didn't get one.
Oh well, you can in-vision it, right?
I also wanted the cake to sit on a fun cake plate, so I went ahead and made one!
Want to learn how?
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Sundays are Lovely #6
It has been a busy week over here at Jaihart!
I feel very honored that two of my projects were featured on Tip Junkie!
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You can view my dynamite project here |
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You can view my soap dispenser here |
I feel very honored! I hope all of you had a great week as well!
Thank you to all who linked up last week!
The most view project was by Pink Cake Plate
This is her Valentine Treat! YUMMY!
Make sure to grab a feature button on the right!
I am going to be leaving this link party open for the rest of February!
You can link up any project new or old, just make sure you link back here.
You can copy my code for the link party button on the right or just link back.
Have a great day!
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