
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sundays are Lovely Winner!

Hello friends! What have you been up to? OMG, my son had his birthday party over the weekend....Can I just say that I'm EXHAUSTED! We had a BLAST, but  I'm glad it's over! Then I had a new baby niece born! YAY! She's precious! I just love her!  What have you been up to?

 Anywhooo.....We have a WINNER for the Link Party! We will be starting the link party back up SOON! I have been tirelessly working on something, but I won't be revealing it yet! VERY SOON! I'm so excited about it and CAN'T WAIT to reveal it! WHOO HOOO!
Anyways, our winner is.......

Creative M
email me ( your address for your cartridge!

I hope Everyone is having a SUPER FUN Week! I know I am!


  1. Thank You Jill!!!Yippeeee!!!Just did my cartwheel for this Great Celebration!!Thank You!Thank You!And Thanks again...
    On tuesday,I was about to link up my project and noticed that there was no new link....I was a little concern and so I said I will wait for Wednesday and if no post from you shows up I was going to email you just to know if you were okay!!I just decided to visit some blogs and here is your post and I am the winner!!So Awesoem and Its good to know that You are ok.Happy Blated Bday to your Little boy and Congrats Aunt!
    Sending bloggy love to you,

    1. I just sent you an email with the info just incase it went to spam.

    2. Thanks girl! I got it! So glad you're excited! Thanks for your sweet comments! Smiles, Jill

  2. Congrats Migdalia. Happy to hear the party went well. How exciting to have a new baby in the family. Can't wait to see what you are up too.

    Hugs Nana

    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    Email Me

    1. Thanks Nana! I'm looking forward to it too! I hope you like it;) Smiles, Jill

  3. Congrats Migdalia.

    Jill so happy to see a post from you. Was worried and Wow a birthday and a new baby. Congrats on the Celebration and being a new aunt. You were a busy lady. I cant wait to see your new project your working on. I'll be on the look out. HUGS AJ~


These comments make my day! Thank you for taking the time!