Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sundays are Lovely #7

Hi Everyone!  How was your February?  Mine was so much fun! I made so many projects and then I was so lucky and got featured on I Heart Naptime, It's Overflowing, Lil Luna, Decorate to Celebrate,  Paper Issues, My Craft Spot...I'm humbled! I just can't believe it!  Anywhoooo......

The project with the most views was Holly's project! So cute! I l-o-v-e banners and this is a great spin on one! It's so fun! Look at the cool paper she used and the pearl detail! Way to go Holly!

So I decided to keep the link party open for the whole Month again! So, basically, every time you post a project, just come on over and link it up here! Let's see if we can get 31 projects linked up! What do think? I think we can! How about this...if we get 31 projects linked up....I'll do a giveaway! Sounds fun to me! Let's do it! 31 projects!

Oh, BTW's....I did a video tutorial today! I'm so excited about it! Come back tomorrow to check it out!



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  1. Oh that's super fun. I have not been doing any physical crafting lately otherwise I'd link up. I love looking at all of the projects though. :)

  2. I love your link up parties! They are so fun! Thanks So much! I hope we get 31 link ups!

  3. Fabulous projects!! LOVE that banner!! :)

  4. Aww what a pretty heart banner! Great job Holly, I love it! Thanks so much for the deets on your Linky party Miss Jill :) I've added my banner and also a link from my blog post and I sure hope we make it to 31! It's gettin close hooray!! Thank you for your support, your fabulous talent and creativity and for sharing it all with the world. Your blog is so enjoyable! Hugs and smiles my friend! xoxo

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I just found your link up party and am a new follower of your blog. I am hoping you will have the opportunity to stop by blog and become a follower too!

  7. Thanks LOTS for hosting!!! Xo, Aimee

  8. Hi Jill,have been a follower for while but only just discovered your link party!!
    There are some fabulous projects and I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your creativity.
    Jayne x


These comments make my day! Thank you for taking the time!


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