
Friday, March 16, 2012

Share a Smile

Ever since I was little I have loved anything to do with smiles. I even used to collect smiley buttons.  Hence, after each post on my blog here, I sign off by saying "Smiles, Jill".  It absolutely breaks my heart to know that there are children out there that aren't able to have a smile. Thanks to an organization called Operation Smile children around the world are able to smile! You have got to watch the video's only 2 minutes.. it's very powerful! ...I was crying in those two minutes, you guys...

What did you think? Powerful right?
I'm extra excited to tell you that I'm involved in a collaborative bloggers' project call the ShareASmile Project. We are helping to raise funds for Operation Smile.

Through the ShareASmile Project, we're having a Smile-A-Thon! We're photographing smileys we see everywhere around us and uploading them to the Spontaneous Smiley website.
Spontaneous Smiley donates $1 to Operation Smile for every photo uploaded!

Each surgery to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the world only costs $240 through Operation Smile. 

Helping Operation Smile is easier than you'd think-and lots of fun! Here's what you can do:

1. Look for spontaneous smileys, photograph them, and upload the photos to the Spontaneous Smiley website. Include in the "who are you" section the words "ELIZABETH SENT ME".

Here are some examples of spontaneous smileys

Spontaneous Smileys 

Here is my first spontaneous smile...

....I know, I looks staged..but it's totally not! My 2 year old son was coloring, I was busy doing something...I looked down and there it was a spontaneous smile! I asked him what he made and he said, "Circles". He had no idea that he had just made a smiley! I guess the crayons were happy to be used!

2.  Sponsor one of our bloggers. As in a walk-a-thon, we’re collecting pledges of any amount per photo we collect and upload. You may contact me or comment below with a pledge amount if you’re interested in participating in this way.

3.  Print off sponsor sheets and collect your own pledges.
You could even try this with a local group (school project, art class, kids’ club, Scouts, etc.). You’ll find all the information you need to collect your own pledges here.
4.  Donate directly to Operation Smile here.
If you’re a blogger, it would be awesome if you’d like to join us in the ShareASmile Project! Please feel free to post the button on your blog and join us for the next 14 days of sharing spontaneous smileys!
In addition to the Smile-A-Thon, we’re raising awareness for Operation Smile and Spontaneous Smileys in several other ways, too!
There will be giveaways from now until the 31st! These giveaways are from ShareASmile Contributing Bloggers who are generously donating something related to their ShareASmile project.
Be sure to check out the ShareASmile giveaways. 
March 18th -Broken Treasures giveaway
March 20th – Boo Boo Princess giveaway
March 23rd – Broken Treasures giveaway
March 27th -Broken Treasures giveaway
March 31st – Spontaneous Smiley Book Giveaway
The March 31 giveaway is The Smiley Book of Colors by Ruth Kaiser, the founder of Spontaneous Smiles. Learn more about Ruth at the Spontaneous Smiley website and Facebook. Check out the Spontaneous Smiley Shop, too!
Join us for a Twitter party on Monday, March 26th at 2:00pm EST with #shareasmile  Come prepared to share activities, crafts, food, etc. that are smile or spring related :)
The Participant List of ShareASmile Contributing Bloggers
Special thanks to Elizabeth from Broken Treasures for organizing the ShareASmile Project
and thanks to all the participants!
    Broken Treasures
Crafts~N~Things for Children
Play Dr. Mom
Boo Boo PrincessesRaising Figure Skaters
hands on : as we growCourts Craft Corner 

Deb over at Raising Figure Skaters shared this little bit of fun with us...
I know it's not a spontaneous smile, but isn't is just so darn cute?! 


Have a super day!


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet and special photo for your first spontaneous smiley! Thanks so much for featuring my word-art freebie in your post! :) Deb @


These comments make my day! Thank you for taking the time!