
Friday, February 24, 2012

Rumor has it.....

I just wanted to share some "Blogland" info that I've acquired over the past little while.

1. Google Friend Connect will no longer be available to dot coms and will be phased out pretty soon for blogger as well. What? I know, right?!  So, I joined Linky Followers, which is on my sidebar. If you would like to add it to your blog as well, go here.

2. Picnik is Adios, so where to now? I used Fotoflexer here and there while using Picnik (before their resignation), but Fotoflexer has stepped it up recently! I think they are taking advantage of this new Picnik change!  Good for them, which also means GOOD FOR US! They now have like a bazillion fonts! SUPER EXCITED!

3. You may have noticed my tab "Community". Click on it check it's powered by Blog Frog! The idea is to help turn your blog into a Community (by the way, anyone watch the show "Community"? I love it) so you can ask me questions or we can talk about a certain go check it out. You can become a member of my community too if you want to...Ooooh I know ....I exciting! ha!  No but really, you should check it out and see what you think!

Ok, Phew! I just had to get all of that "techy" stuff out of my system!  Hope everyone is having a great day!  Here's a little Photo Fun for you....I can't have a blog post without a picture! It just wouldn't be right!

No, I'm not on the Bachelor! ha! 
This is a picture taken in a helicopter. 
I was with my husband on our honeymoon!
 I was just feeling nostalgic today and let's be honest I just want to go on vacation! ha!
So I pulled out some vacation photos!  

Have a great day! 
Hope you have a "vacation-y"  day!




  1. Thank for stop by at my blog Jill ^_^ Love your style !!

  2. Thanks for that info! Not sure what is up with that 'friend connect' business, but I have been panicking about Picnik, lol! Why google, why! Lol! I will definitely be checking out your recommendation!!
    Heather :)
    P.S. your honeymoon looks like it was awesome!!

  3. Thanks for the info, Jill! I LOVE that vacation picture....where was it?


    1. St. Thomas! We went on a cruise and that was one of the stops. So fun!

  4. I don't think that the followers gadget is going to go away....

    Check these posts out:

  5. Btw your vacation pic is awesome! I'm ready for one too ::winks::


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