
Friday, September 23, 2011

Bow ties for little boys

I've been wanting to make a bow tie for my son for quite some time now, so here's how it turned out....

As you can see, in the top photo, my son was very busy.
He was not interested in taking photos at this time.  
Then he saw his Papa and, as you can see, his face just lit right up. 

This tie wasn't too hard to make.  I definitely have some tweeking to do.  There are many tutorials out there, but  I like recycling old materials, so here's the tutorial I found.  This tutorial is by one of my favorite blogs: Make It- Love It.....what an awesome name for a blog, hugh?!



  1. Oh my, Jill, what a cutie! He makes me wish I was 41 years younger :)

  2. June, I know, me too! He has so much energy! It's great!


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