
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby Girl's Nursery

You may have noticed, but I have been quite absent the past weeks.  We had spring break and then I started getting the nursery ready. By the way...tomorrow is my c-section!  It went by so quickly!

       Here I am 38 weeks pregnant.    My son is 20 months (I let my husband slide on this photo op, but once baby girl comes... he'll have to suck it up;)ha!  He's a really good sport:) 

Now onto the nursery!
I'm not 100% done yet.  I still need to add her name above the crib, a mirror, and bow holder, but this is how it will look for right now!

The Giraffe table was in my nursery when I was a little girl.  Then we gave it to my aunt to use in my cousin's room when she was a little girl.  My aunt painted it and brought the cute little giraffe back to life by adding a rope tail, googly eyes and pom poms on the handles.  Then she gave it to us when my cousin changed her room into a big girl room.  I'm so glad we were able to have it.  I just love it's history!

I posted earlier about this dresser, but I love it so much I want to discuss it again.  This dresser was in my parents office as an antiquey original wood dresser.  It is actually a child's dresser.The top portion is actually just a shelf that was put on the dresser to give it heighth.  My mom was nice enough to paint it for me (since I'm pregnant).  I knew I wanted it green and white, after my mom and I put our heads together we decided it would be best to just paint the door green.

We changed out the handles to white with green polka dots (we got them at Hobby Lobby by the way....which they have a huge selection of drawer pulls if your looking).  I just love how everything turned out!

Thanks for sharing my special memories with me!  I hope you got some ideas!

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